What are Principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)?

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What are Principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)?

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CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) is a set of principles and strategies that involve the effective use of urban design, architecture, and landscaping to create safer public spaces. These strategies promote safety by reducing opportunities for crime. CPTED is based on the idea that physical environments can be designed to directly influence human behavior in both positive and negative ways.

There are the main tenets and principles of CPTED: Natural Surveillance, Territorial Reinforcement, Access Control, Maintenance, Target Hardening and Normalization. Each of these principles works together to create an environment which encourages safe and secure behaviors from people who interact with it.

Natural Surveillance

Natural Surveillance refers to designing environments so that people’s movements can be easily observed or monitored by others in public spaces. This principle states that people should be able to see each other as a way to deter crime. This can be achieved through the arrangement of physical elements such as landscaping, lighting, placement of windows or balconies so that there are more vantage points where people can observe one another, or other features. Natural surveillance also encourages the use of open public spaces which act as a deterrent for criminals who prefer areas where their activities remain hidden.

Territorial Reinforcement

Territoriality is another important principle in CPTED. This concept promotes an environment where people are able to identify their own areas or territories and take ownership of them. This can be done by creating well defined boundaries, such as those provided by street furniture, landscaping or lighting design that help create distinct areas within the community. Territoriality can also be supported with onsite signs, symbols, colors, textures, and other visual elements that can be used to create an environment which conveys ownership and discourages criminal activity.

Access Control

Access Control is the use of physical barriers such as fences, locked doors or gates to limit access to certain areas and retractable bollards and security cameras that monitor entrances and exits. Access control also includes the implementation of various ID protocols for people entering a particular area. It also includes strategies like dead-end streets which prevent criminals from easily escaping crime scenes without being noticed.

Target hardening

Target hardening is another key element of CPTED which focuses on reducing the opportunity for crime by making it more difficult for criminals to access potential targets. This can include installing protective devices like locks and alarms, as well as lighting designs or landscaping that make an area more visible and difficult to penetrate.


Maintenance involves ensuring that buildings are well kept and in good condition. Poorly maintained areas may give off the impression that no one is in charge, or that the area is abandoned. This can encourage crime and discourage public investment in an area.


Finally, there is the concept of normalization which encourages people in a community to interact with each other in a positive way. This involves creating an environment where people feel comfortable and accepted, promoting activities such as neighborhood watches or social events that can help foster a sense of safety and security within the community.

These principles are at the core of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, and when used together they can create a safe and secure environment for people to enjoy. With careful consideration and thoughtful design, CPTED strategies can be implemented to reduce opportunities for crime and help create safer public spaces.

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